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Processed vermiculite for field crops, fruit plants, vegetables, potted plants, flowering plants, plant nurseries, greenhouses, landscaping, gardening, lawn development, golf courses, hydroponics, etc.

Product code: VERMICU02

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Vermiculite - 2 KG

M.R.P: 438
You Save: 44

Vermiculite - 1 KG

M.R.P: 250
You Save: 25

Vermiculite - 5 KG

M.R.P: 876
You Save: 88

Vermiculite - 10 KG

M.R.P: 1,533
You Save: 153

Description :

Vermiculite is a naturally occurring, clean, odourless, sterile, inert, asbestos-free, non-toxic and environmentally safe mineral. Processed vermiculite, free from diseases, is a nutritious food for field crops, fruit plants, vegetables, potted plants, flowering plants, plant nurseries, greenhouses, landscaping, gardening, lawn development, golf courses, hydroponics, etc. 
This pure quality mineral is suitable for all types of plants and:
• Ensures 100 % seed germination with very little watering.
• Promotes faster & maximum growth of roots, cuttings, saplings, bulbs.
• Maintains vigorous growth of flowers, potted plants & vegetable gardens.
• Retains air, plant food and moisture releasing them to plant as required.
• 30-50 % increase in productivity, quality of produce & therefore profit.
• Conserves water, reduces water demand & avoids frequent irrigation.
• Ideal for storing bulbs and root crops.
• Acts as a growing media for Hydroponics.
• Light in weight, easy to handle and easily mixes with soil.

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