crushed rock phosphate releases its nutrients fairly slowly making it good to build the long-term supply of phosphorus in the soils until used by the plants; it will not leach. Crushed Rock Phosphate is ideal for fruiting and flowering plants.
Product code: ROCKPH03
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Description :
Rock Phosphate is a mined rock that contains limestone, silica and clay as well as high concentration of phosphorus. Being a natural compound, Organic Material Review Institute (OMRI), USA listed rock phosphate in organic farming, agriculture, gardening and food production. Rock phosphate is the cheapest source of phosphorus. Phosphorus is essential in building a biological soil and crucial for plants to develop healthy root systems, assimilate nutrients for good plant growth, hastens crop maturity, encourages earthworms and beneficial soil bacteria, and set flowers and fruits. The end product of the crushed rock phosphate releases its nutrients fairly slowly making it good to build the long-term supply of phosphorus in the soils until used by the plants; it will not leach. Our Crushed Rock Phosphate is packed in a completely safe and non-toxic environment. We assure our customers 100 % satisfaction. Our Crushed Rock Phosphate is ideal for fruiting and flowering plants. It:
• Provides right amount of nutrients to make plants develop stronger root systems and healthy plants.
• Produces more number of buds, and big and vibrant bloom of flowers (especially roses).
• Controls pests in vegetable gardens and gives greater yield and richer flavour.
• Can be ploughed into the soil before planting or used as a top/side dressing around plants.